

Information in English and a playing suggestion -

The re-established Jewish secular youth organization Hashomer Hatzair Germany (HHD) has developed the card game “Chaverschaft – Hashomer Hatzair Card Game” in 2022 as part of a special intergenerational history project to discover new information about Hashomer Hatzair in Germany in the 1930s and to celebrate its 10th anniversary.
Hashomer Hatzair was active in Germany from 1931 to 1938 under strict regulations until it was eventually banned. The cards feature 14 HHD members from the 1930s and explain their lives, experiences and relationship with Hashomer Hatzair.
The members were selected based on the contact we had with them or their descendants during the project year – from the only known living HHD member in Chile, to a member who died two months after the research delegation’s visit to Israel in March 2022, to resistance fighters* in Berlin. A set of cards is dedicated to “Romi” – as a symbol for the members about whom we will not find any information in view of the tragic history.
With this card game we would like to introduce our youth association to partner organizations and educational institutions and also make the game accessible to children and young people as an interactive tool for learning about history and political education.
Thanks to the great work of volunteers in collecting information and developing this game, we are able to use the playing cards to tell the story of our organization and its members. We show the vibrant life of Jews in Germany in the 1930s and that, like chanichim*ot today, they went to peulot, participated in camps and hikes, and celebrated holidays together.
Hashomer Hatzair celebrated its 110th anniversary worldwide in 2023 and is one of the oldest active Jewish youth movements. We are proud to be part of this legacy and contribute to its history. In the game package you will find a Shomeric Dictionary explaining terms and words used in Hashomer Hatzair.

The deck can be ordered now for a donation! Check out the form below.
The number of available copies is very limited: We expect to ship the copies in June. The suggested donation for a copy is 25-30 EUR, in addition to shipping costs.

Chazak Veematz!
Hashomer Hatzair DE

Hashomer Hatzair Deutschland e.V.
Saarstr. 14, 12161 Berlin
E-Mail: info (at) hashomer-hatzair (punkt) de
Wir möchten uns an dieser Stelle bei der Berliner Landeszentrale für politische Bildung sowie ConAct – Koordinierungszentrum Deutsch-Israelischer Jugendaustausch für die Finanzierung des Drucks des Kartenspiels auf Deutsch bedanken.

#Chaverschaft #HashomerHatzairCardGame #HashomerHatzairKartenspiel #CardGame #Kartenspiel #PolitischeBildung #PolitischeGeschichte #JewishEducation #Bildungsarbeit
